Meeting held at Pebble Creek Club on 5-15-02 at 2:30 PM. All members present. President Bob Siddens called the meeting to order. Secretary read the minutes of meeting held on 4-3-02. Approved as read.
Chuck Hite gave the Treasures report. Net funds available: $3684.66 106 Members have paid their dues for the year.
Motion made by Chuck Hite to establish a Honorary Membership for those not able to still play golf. This Honorary Membership will remain as long as the Golden Boy is a Member in good standing in the Pebble Creek Club. Motion seconded by Bob Siddens. Approved by Board.
Dine Around report given by Bill Morrow. We are averaging 72 members at the Dine Arounds for this year.
Motion made by Bill Carithers to adjourn. Seconded by Bill Morrow. Board adjourned at 3:40 PM.
Bill Carithers Secretary