Golden Boys Board Meeting, January 4, 2002

Meeting held at Pebble Creek Club on January 4, 2002 at 9:00 AM. President Bob Siddens called the meeting to order. All members present.

Minutes of December 12, 2001 meeting approved.

The Golden Boys annual meeting will be held on March 13, 2002 at the new clubhouse. Secretary will prepare the Annual Meeting announcement and will attach the Interclub choices to be provided by Conde Sargent. This letter is to be mailed out on February 15, 2002.

Treasurer’s report was submitted by Chuck Hite. Net Funds available $1594.55. Report was approved.

Tournament Chairman’s report submitted by Conde Sargent. It was decided to go with a 3 Club Interclub play this year. Hendersonville, Kenmure and Pebble Creek. It was talked about adding another Club, Glen Cannon Golf Course to this after talking with them about joining. This to be discussed at the next meeting. Report approved.

Social Chairman’s report submitted by Bill Morrow. The Dine Around for January 2002 will be held at Saskatoon Restaurant on Haywood Road on the 29th. Bill has this year Dine Around callers lined up and has given them their call list. Report approved.

Motion made to adjourn by Bill Carithers and seconded by Bill Morrow. Motion approved. Adjourned at 10:30 AM

Bill Carithers