Golden Boys Board Meeting, December 12, 2001

Meeting held at Pebble Creek Club on December 12, 2001 at 3:10 PM

President Marty Zernick called the meeting to order. All Members present. New elected Member Conde Sargent also present. Minutes of November 16,2001 read and approved.
Welcomed new member.

Sam Masters gave report on Christmas Party to be held on December 13, 2001. 173 members and guests will attend.

Treasures report was submitted by Chuck Hite. Net funds available $4060.66. Report was approved.

Marty Zernick Golden Boy President issued verbal commendation to Sam Masters for his services to the Golden Boys during the past 3 years.

2nd Order of Business was to elect new Officers for the coming Year. Motion made by Bill Carithers that Bob Siddens be nominated for President. Motion made by Bob Siddens that Marty Zernick be nominated for President. Motions closed by Chuck Hite and approved by board that nominations be closed.

The Board voted Bob Siddens to be the Golden Boys President for this year. Other Board officers and responsibilities were appointments by the new President. Here is the entire board for 2002.

President: Bob Siddens
Vice President: Marty Zernick
Secretary: Bill Carithers
Treasurer: Chuck Hite
Social Chairman: Bill Morrow
Golf Chairman: Conde Sargent

Discussed the letter received from the General Manager concerning the length of time the Club will be closed before the new one opens. It was decided that President Siddens would discuss with the General Manager some alternatives.

It was decided and approved that Golden Boys Board Meetings would be held the 1st Wednesday of the month in the future.

Motion made to adjourn by Bill Carithers and seconded by Marty Zernick. Motion approved. Adjourned at 4:20 PM. Bill Carithers, Secretary