Meeting held at Pebble Creek Club on October 17, 2001 at 2:20 PM. President Marty Zernick called the meeting to order. All Members present with the exception of Sam Masters.
Minutes of Golden Boys meeting held on September 19,2001 were read and approved.
Treasures report was submitted by Chuck Hite. Net funds available $4589.51.
Tournament Chairman Bob Siddens discussed moving the Golden Boy Championship to Late August. More discussion to follow at a later meeting. He stated participation sheets are up to date as of October 1, 2001.
Dine Around report was given by Bill Morrow. The October Dine Around will be held at the Pebble Creek Club on October 30, 2001. This is the last Dine Around for this year.
Christmas Party discussion was deferred.
Old Business: Golden Boys logos were reviewed, and approved unanimously. Samples will be made from the approved logos.
New Business: Nominations for next year’s Board were as follows: Chuck Hite, Doug Bond, Greg McAdam, Conde Sargent. Chuck Hite and Sam Masters will complete their term at the end of this year. These are the selections for the membership to vote for 2 positions to be filled as Chuck Hite and Sam Masters tours are up. The ballots will be mailed on November 21, 2001 to be returned to the Secretary no later than November 28, 2001.
Motion made to adjourn by Bob Siddens and seconded by Bill Carithers.
Bill Carithers, Secretary