Golden Boys Board Meeting, September 19, 2001

Meeting held at Pebble Creek Club on September 19, 2001 at 2:05 PM. President Marty Zernick called the meeting to order. All Members present.

Minutes of Golden Boys meeting held on August 8, 2001 were read and approved. Treasures Report read by Chuck Hite, Net Funds available $5052.68. Chuck reported that the Golden Boy annual Picnic would be held on 9-12-02 at the same place as this year.

Tournament Chairman Bob Siddens reported that the Golden Boys Championship Tournament would be held on October 10, and 11, 2001. This will be a Wednesday and Thursday. Tee times are at 8:30 for both days.

Dine around Report was given by Bill Morrow. The October Dine Around will be held at the Pebble Creek Club on October 30, 2001.

Sam Masters gave an update on the Golden Boys annual Christmas Party. The Party will be held at Rene’s Steak House on December 13, 2001. Sam reported that Bill Bates would chair the Christmas Party.

Old Business: Marty Zernick reported that new address books are being distributed.

New Business: It was discussed that the membership be screened for ideas for a Golden Boys logo. This will be placed on the bulletin board for suggestions, to contact a Board Member.

Motion made by Bob Siddens to adjourn and seconded by Bill Carithers. Meeting adjourned at 3:30 PM.

Bill Carithers