Golden Boys Board Meeting, April 4, 2001

Meeting at Pebble Creek Club on April 4, 2001 at 8:30 AM. President Marty Zernick called the meeting to order. All members present with the exception of Sam Masters.

Read Annual Meeting Minutes and corrected minutes to reflect treasurers report from $4156.62 funds available to $2474.35 funds available. This correction was approved by the Board and will be read at next year’s annual meeting for approval by the membership.

Chuck Hite gave the treasurers report. Funds available $4051.22. Chuck announced that 61 members had paid their dues to date. Chuck also stated he had a letter going out to the membership concerning dues, dine around, and tournaments. Treasurer’s report approved.

Bob Siddens gave the Tournament Committee report. He stated that there were no changes on Interclub or tournaments. He also reported that Etowah was all set and he had scheduled Hendersonville Country Club.

Guy Wellman reported 15 had paid for the member Guest tournament. He stated 50 had signed up. Board discussed changes to eligibility. All rules must be published concerning Member Guest tournament. Invitations to be sent to Darrell Jennewine and Dave Bogniard for the Member Guest Tournament. 50 Invitations will be mailed out for this years Member Guest Tournament and any
dropouts, 48 teams or less will be filled in by another member. This motion adopted by Chuck Hite and seconded by Bob Siddens and was approved. Chuck Hite will draft a motion of participation qualifications for future Member Guest Tournaments.

Bill Morrow submitted Dine Around information. He stated that we are averaging 75 members per Dine Around. Our next Dine around will be at the City Range Steakhouse Grill on Haywood Rd. on the 24th of April 2001. The May Dine Around will be at Renee’s Steakhouse.

Motion to adjourn made by Bob Siddens and seconded by Bill Carithers with the next meeting to be held on May 9th. This meeting will be held after Golf.