Meeting at Pebble Creek Club on 2/7/01 at 8:30 AM. President Marty Zernick called the meeting to order. All members present with exception of Sam Masters.
The minutes of previous meeting held on 1/17/01 were read by Bill Carithers and approved.
The Treasury report was read by Marty Zernick and approved. Funds available $4,170.13.
Tournament Committee Report by Bob Siddens. All tournaments have been confirmed with the exception of Etowah. That is being worked on for completion. Discussed the Inter Club sign up sheets to be mailed out with the annual meeting letter. Discussed there is a place for members to put their E-Mail Address.
Dine Around report by Bill Morrow. The next Dine Around will be held on 2/27/01. Place to be announced later.
Communications Director. Conde Sargent was named as our Communication Director. Conde discussed The Golden Boy web site. Motion made by Chuck Hite and seconded by Bill Morrow that Conde proceed and set up the Golden Boy Web Site. Motion carried and approved by Board. Bob Siddens will assist Conde with this project. There will be a roster of Golden Boys on the Web Page with wife’s name.
Old Business: Discussed Annual Meeting Breakfast to be held at the Pebble Creek Club on 3/7/01. Breakfast fee will be $5.00 per person. Breakfast will commence at 7:30 am, and Meeting will follow. Discussed mailing of letter to membership by 2/19/01, and approved. Interclub forms and Tournament schedules to be mailed out with meeting letter. Discussed and recommended annual dues remain at $25.00 per member.
Discussed GB by Law’s. Will discuss at annual meeting to change by laws to read Pebble Creek Club.
New Business. Discussed Member Slow Play. Team Captains or GB Marshall.
Motion made by Bob Siddens and seconded by Bill Carithers to adjourn at 9:45 AM.
Bill Carithers, Secretary